Was Your Daughter Bullied In Public School? 3 Tips To Help Her Make Friends In An All-Girls Catholic High School

Posted on: 18 June 2019


There is more awareness about bullying in schools today, yet some kids still find themselves being ostracized by their peers. Sadly, bullying can damage your daughter's self-esteem and cause her to begin to have struggles both academically and emotionally. Although the scars left behind by bullying can last for a long time, there are things that you can do to help your daughter move forward. Your decision to place your daughter in an all-girls catholic high school gives her a chance at a new beginning, and you can use these tips to help her make friends and overcome the bullying that she experienced in the past.

Reach Out to the Staff

The staff at an all-girls catholic school is dedicated to helping every student feel their best. They understand the challenges that accompany raising self-esteem in young girls, and they'll be eager to help. Before your daughter starts school, tell any staff members that will be involved in her daily activities about the bullying in her past. This way, they can keep watch for any signs that it is still affecting her ability to feel comfortable in the classroom and take corrective action. For instance, a teacher can place her with girls who are especially known for being welcoming to new friends during a group project.

Help Her Cultivate New Interests

Children who are involved in extracurricular programs such as sports and music are instantly connected to potential friends who already share similar interests. If your daughter has not yet found her favorite thing to do, then encourage her to get out there and try at least one new sport or instrument. At home, you can help your daughter develop an interest in popular books, movies, or music that helps her have something to talk about with her new friends.

Encourage Her to Get Involved

At an all-girls Catholic high school, students are encouraged to be involved in planning events throughout the year. In addition to cultivating leadership skills, being involved in things such as planning a charitable event helps your daughter feel connected to her new friends. Check the school's calendar and extracurricular clubs to help your daughter figure out where she can contribute. For instance, she may want to assist with planning an awards ceremony or food drive with her friends. Finding people who enjoy doing things that help others means that your daughter is more likely to make friends with students who are against bullying.

For more information, contact a local all-girls Catholic school.